Hi Melbourne! autumn finally arrived and it is here to stay. Luckily, this edition of Peer Picks has a lot of indoor activities for you to explore the city!
Welcome to the April edition of "Peer Picks" brought to you by The Alliance for Praxis Research! In this fortnightly blog post series, our members share a variety of recommendations spanning diverse categories. From leisure activities to thought-provoking reads, we've got you covered. Without further ado, let's dive into our members' picks for April 2024:
Alex ~ Wurrdha Marra
Category | Indigenous art
Link | Wurrdha Marra
When | Ongoing, at NGV
Why are you recommending | Celebrating Indigenous art and culture, this fantastic exhibition showcases works from emerging to senior artists
Ana ~ Melbourne Conversations: From High Line to Greenline
Category | Wild, Urban and What?
Link | Melbourne Conversations
When | 16 of April, Fedsquare, Melbourne
Why are you recommending: Hear about this urban renewal project that proposes a future for the Birrarung River.
Nick ~ Fairy
Category | Queer Art
Link | Fairy
When | Until 17 of May, Plataform Arts, Geelong
Why are you recommending | If you haven't been, Platform Arts Geelong is really worth the visit! Especially considering that this new exhibition, titled Fairy, has a radical view of queerness and desire. If you end up going in a sunny and warm day (unlikely now :( ), visit Geelong waterfront!
Corey ~ Brunswick Tool Library and Repair Cafe
Category | Repair and Reuse
Link | Tool Library
When | Ongoing - check opening hours on Instagram
Why are you recommending: Learn about repair, keep your favorite things in use, and hang with cool peeps!
Stay tuned for more recommendations from our members in the next edition of Peer Picks. Please contact us here or on Instagram if you wanna share a pick as well! Until then, happy exploring!
~ APR is sharing content produced by others, we hold no authorship or responsibility.