How does it work?
APR Mentors catch up with mentees once a month online or at a commercial/educational venue to chat about their PhD, work-life balance and other concerns mentees might have during their incursion into academia. APR Mentors have either recently finished their PhD or are about to, or are ECRs able to offer guidance and support to emerging ECRs and PhD Candidates.
This program is unpaid and entirely voluntary. While mentees will be offered guidance and support of experienced ECRs; the mentors will have the opportunity to upskill their development by fostering new networks, collaborations and intrapersonal skills. Plus, we think sharing is caring, so sharing experiences is the most relational way to foster, build and nourish our collective and network.
You are also welcome to come by to the Catalyst Social Centre (144-146 Sydney Road, Coburg VIC 3058) to meet the team and chat about possible mentors. We are here on Fridays from 10 am to 5pm. Alternatively you can write us an email to set an appointment and chat!
