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Regenerating a body of water: a walk with Birrarung-ga

Join us this year for our special event at Melbourne Design Week 2023!

Reframing waterways through urban play - starting with Boon Wurrung journey cycles - this workshop is situated along the Birrarung to speculate on a near-future flooded world. In order to tension dominant relations with water so we can envision alternative possible futures, participants will encounter hidden memories of waterways that make part of Melbourne and engage in play design thinking to intimately reconnect with water.

This 2 hours workshop starts with the launching of a zine that recollected stories of water care in Melbourne. The zine includes a game to be played along the Birrarung, in which participants are invited to reimagine their own relationships with water through interrelational and intergenerational play. Through this experience, participants will gain and share knowledge of water justice, water sovereignty, and water as a vital life force.


The Alliance for Praxis Research + N'arweet Carolyn Briggs + Troy Innocent

When and Where:

Saturday, 20 May 2023 // 2 pm - 4 pm // Enterprise park (close to the water)

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